How to Effectively Lose Weight and Tighten Problem Areas
It’s already the start of February – and that means your New Year’s resolutions have been in full swing for over a month. Or have they been? Less than ten percent of people stick to their resolutions throughout the year, with many of these people ditching their goals by the last week in January. One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight – so if you want to stick to your goals, you need a weight-loss plan that will actually work.
Many weight-loss resolutions fail because they’re not properly planned and monitored by an expert. After all, it can be difficult to stick to a diet or an exercise plan when you’re not accountable to anyone. Fortunately, there’s a way to safely lose weight, all while enjoying skin-tightening and toning benefits…
And you’ll only find it at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics, based in the greater Atlanta, GA area.
Owned and operated by Dr. Linda Kelley, Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics specializes in medically-supervised weight loss plans, as well as body sculpting and skin tightening treatments. If you’re interested in losing weight, sculpting your body, and tightening your skin, here’s what you’ll discover at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics:
- You’ll meet with Dr. Kelley, who will take a blood sample and assess your medical history, eating habits, and exercise regimen. This can help Dr. Kelley determine if you’re a viable candidate for this program.
- You’ll receive a weekly supply of hcG-sublingual drops or injections, which is a natural hormone that has been shown to lead to significant yet safe weight loss over a shorter period of time. You’ll be monitored by Dr. Kelley and her staff each week to view your results, as well as talk about your experiences on this program. The program lasts for 13-weeks, with many clients losing between 15 to 20 pounds.
- During the treatment, you’ll undergo Exilis treatments, which is a unique skin tightening and sculpting treatment. Exilis uses radiofrequency energy to heat up fat cells beneath the skin’s surface, thus causing them to shrink and eventually be removed by the body’s waste processes. Exilis also encourages skin tightening and smoothing, which can help you show off the results of all your hard work.
For more information about Dr. Kelley’s weight loss management and Exilis body sculpting, schedule a consultation at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA – serving the Atlanta metro – today. Simply fill out the form in the top right corner or call 770-649-0094.
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Food Sensitivities: Are They Making You Fat?
Food sensitivities have received a lot of press lately. From lactose intolerance to gluten-free foods, those with food sensitivities are met with more choices than what was available just five years ago. After all, you don’t have to go very far to find coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, and grocery stores stuffed to the brim with foods for every sensitivity imaginable.
If you’ve been ignoring these trends or not paying attention to the news about food sensitivities, then it’s time to wake up – because food sensitivities might be making you fat.
Surprised? First, it’s important to note the distinction between food sensitivities and food allergies. Allergies can cause immediate and severe symptoms, some of which can be fatal in rare cases. Food sensitivity, on the other hand, only causes discomfort, which isn’t apparent until several hours after you’ve consumed the offending food. For example, if you’re allergic to gluten (Celiac’s Disease), consuming gluten will damage the small intestine, leading to several health conditions. If you’re sensitive to gluten, you may experience bloating, fatigue, and other symptoms a few hours after eating something with gluten in it…
And one of those symptoms could be weight gain.
If you’re allergic to a food, you know it – but if you’re sensitive to a food, you might not make the necessary correlation between your symptoms and the offending food. You might blame your fatigue on not getting enough rest the night before, or weight gain on getting older. Yet food sensitivity can cause inflammation within the body, as well as disturb your metabolic processes – this can all lead to weight gain and even obesity. It’s precisely why some researchers are calling for a more nutritional approach to treating to Type-1 diabetes, rather than pharmacological.
In addition to causing obesity, it’s also though that food sensitivity can exacerbate the aging process, due to the release of toxins during inefficient digestion. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to determine if you have a food sensitivity and create a nutrition plan based on your results.
At Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics – serving the greater Atlanta – specializes in testing clients for food sensitivities and creating nutrition plans around these findings. Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics is owned and operated by Dr. Linda Kelley, an expert in anti-aging and nutritional medicines.
For more information about food sensitivity, schedule a consultation at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics today. Simply fill out the form in the top right corner or call 770-649-0094.
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