The Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift
You love the idea of getting a facelift – but you’re not exactly in love with the idea of undergoing surgery.
While traditional facelifts can still be the best way to eliminate sagging skin and lift the overall appearance of the face, there’s a growing population of people who want similar results – without going through the pain and frustration of surgery. These are the same people who want to minimize sagging skin, improve the appearance of facial wrinkles, and even lift their tired-looking eyes.
If you consider yourself one of them, then it’s time to introduce yourself to the ultimate non-surgical facelift at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA (also serving the greater Atlanta metro area).
Owned and operated by Dr. Linda Kelley, Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics is pleased to offer one of the only non-surgical facelift treatments in the greater Atlanta area. This procedure utilizes multiple treatments, all of which are designed to help mimic the results of a traditional facelift. These treatments include:
- Exilis Elite: This handheld device to deliver radiofrequency energy to the treatment area. This heating sensation promotes collagen and elastin production, which leads to tighter and firmer-looking skin. This is why Exilis elite makes a great treatment for sagging facial skin, as it can lead to younger, tighter-looking skin. This procedure typically requires 2 sessions and is not painful and has no downtime.
- Laser Skin Rejuvenation: Want to eliminate the appearance of sun-damaged skin? With Dr. Kelley’s laser skin rejuvenation treatments, you’ll uncover fresh, radiant skin that can make you look years younger. Cobb uses a fractional CO2 laser treatment called the Mixto laser, which simultaneously tightens skin, promotes collagen production, and increases cellular turnover.
- BellaFill: Dermal fillers can help restore facial volume in the face, as well as aging lines between your lips and your nose. That’s where BellaFill comes into play. Wherever this filler is injected, the skin appears lifted and feels firmer. What’s more, the results from BellaFill last for up to five years, making this one of the most economical dermal fillers out there.
You don’t have to undergo surgery to look your best. All you have to do is schedule a consultation with Dr. Linda Kelley at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA. Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics also serves the greater metro Atlanta area. Call 770-649-0094 to learn more or set up your complimentary consultation.
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How to Reduce Stomach Fat without Surgery
Summer is finally in full swing – and in just another month, autumn will be on our doorsteps. But even though the season of sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes is almost here, you may still be focused on how to lose that stubborn stomach fat so you can show off your bikini body.
If you’ve been eating well and exercising as often as possible – and still struggling with your stomach fat – you may be considering surgical solutions. However, if the thought of an invasive procedure leaves you feeling cold, there’s another solution to your problem.
And you can find it at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA.
A Non-Invasive Approach to Reducing Stomach Fat
Founded by anti-aging expert Dr. Linda Kelley, Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics is Atlanta’s premier medical spa, specializing in progressive medicine and precise aesthetics. The staff is especially pleased to announce the arrival of Exilis, a new fat reduction treatment that promises to deliver contouring results while tightening skin – all without the hassle or recovery time of invasive surgery.
Exilis is a powerful yet small device that uses the power of radiofrequency heat to encourage fat reduction within the stomach region. During the course of treatment, the heat energy penetrates the skin and gently heats the fat cells. The heat eventually destroys the fat cells, which is later removed from the body by waste processes. As a result, the treatment area becomes slimmer and more contoured, resulting in significant inch loss.
The heat from Exilis can also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This reaction is immediate and visible, as the skin contracts and tightens from the invigorating heat energy. This can help highlight the results of your fat reduction procedure.
There’s no downtime and no recovery associated with Exilis. Clients can expect to see ideal results after two to three treatments, which are usually scheduled within a two-month time period.
Contact Cobb Wellness & Aesthetics Today
For more information about reducing stomach fat without invasive surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kelley at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA. Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics also serves the greater metro Atlanta area.
Call (770) 649-0094 Today!
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The Best Tips for Getting In Beach Body Shape
Summer is ust around the corner – and that means more time spent at the beach! If you mastered your New Year’s Resolution of losing weight, you’re probably ready to show off all of your hard work.
But if you spent much of this cold winter huddled away inside and eating your favorite comfort foods, the thought of revealing your beach body might leave you feeling a little panicked. Fortunately, there’s still time to get ready for that bikini. Here are the best tips for getting in beach body shape, courtesy of Dr. Linda Kelley of Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA:
- Start cleaning up your diet. While you don’t have to sacrifice every food you love, start incorporating more veggies into your daily meals. Aim for four servings of veggies per day, with a lean protein at most meals. Limit your treats to one day per week, where you can have a “cheat” day.
- Find a workout or fitness class that genuinely challenges you. Jogging on the treadmill can burn calories, but if you need to get that beach body, you need to shock your body and challenge your muscles. Sign up for a spinning class, try Zumba with a friend, or give an at-home program like Intensity or P90X a try.
- Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. This will flush away water weight, which can help you look less bloated and much leaner when you’re on the beach.
Of course, there’s a way you can get the beach body you’ve always wanted faster – and you’ll find it at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics.
Dr. Kelley offers a highly effective HCG diet, which is medically supervised and customized to your exact specifications. HCG is a powerful hormone that helps torch fat while kick-starting your metabolism; clients who have been on the HCG diet have lost as much as a pound a day.
Once you start your weight-loss journey, Dr. Kelley can use Exilis treatments to tighten skin and contour any trouble spots. Exilis uses powerful radiofrequency heat to destroy fat cells as well as promote collagen and elastin production. The end result is tighter, younger-looking skin that shows off all of your hard work.
Ready to get that beach body? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kelley at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA today.
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